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Department of culture of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Visited ZOSE CINEMA and Hainan Provincial Theater

From:ZOSE Group Publish:2014-05-19


On 17th May 2014, Wang Jianping who is the deputy director of department of culture, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region visited Haikou ZOSE CINEMA and Hainan Provincial Theater.
During the inspection progress, Executive Vice General Manager of Hainan ZOSE Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. & President of Hainan Provincial Theater made a work report, investigation group saw IMAX piece flower, Wang Jianping , deputy director of department of culture expressed appreciation for the operation and management of cinemas and theaters achievements, he thought there are a lot of experiences and practice worth to learning, and hoped strengthen communication in the future, promote the construction of the two areas cultures to a new level.
Market and Industry Department official of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region department of culture and person in charge of Dept. of Culture Radio Television Publication and Sports of Hainan accompanied to visit.


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