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Chairman of Hainan ZOSE Group Liu Wenjun was invited to the Special Topic Seminar of Nationwide Private Key Enterprises Leaders

From:ZOSE Group Publish:2015-07-18


From 14 to 16 July, 2015, private key enterprises leaders special topic seminar was held in China Business Executives Academy, Da Lian which is organized by United Front Work Department of CPC Central Committee, vice minister of United Front Work Department of CPC Central Committee, Party Secretary and Vice- Chairman of ACFIC Quan Zhezhu, Vice- Chairman of ACFIC, director of the fifth bureau of United Front Work Department of CPC Central Committee Yang Qiru was present at the seminar and made an important speech. As representative of the fourth national excellent socialist builder and Hainan province, the chairman of Hainan Group Liu Wenjun attends this special topic seminar.
In order to carry out the “Nationwide Cadre Educational Training between 2013 to 2017” made by Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and strength team construction of non- public sectors of the economy representatives, this seminar was established, it is aimed at deep learning and fully implement spirit of united front work meeting, and the spirit of Xi Jinping series important speeches, promote healthy development of non- public sectors of the economy. Learn the development trend of the 13rd five- year plan industry, “OBOR” strategy and private enterprises “going out” , private enterprises legal risk prevention etc.






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