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Delegation of Anshun Economic Development Zone of Guizhou visited ZOSE Group

From:ZOSE Group Publish:2018-08-30


On August 29, 2018, Dai Min, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Anshun Economic Development Zone of Guizhou Province, led the team of the Development Zone Management Committee to Hainan, and had a substantive exchange on the cooperation between the Anshun Economic Development Zone and ZOSE Group. Liu Wenjun, chairman of ZOSE Group, and Liu Jun, general manager of ZOSE Real Estate, accompanied the visit.

The delegation first visited Hainan ZOSE International Cinema (CIMEN), the first full-service cinema in Hainan, and visited the unique theme theater of cinema and experienced 4D dynamic and IMAX movies. Then visited Haikou ZOSE International Cinema (Guoxing) and listened to the sharing of the development of ZOSE Group in the VIP Hall of the cinema.

Subsequently, the delegation drove to the ZOSE•Golden Bay project of Binhai New Area, Baimajing, Zhangzhou, visited the first phase of the sold out project and the second phase of the project under construction, and held a discussion in the conference room. The delegation expressed highly evaluated in the development of ZOSE Group. The two sides have conducted in-depth exchanges on investment promotion and cooperation between district and enterprises, and studied the cooperation path.

Anshun Economic and Technological Development Zone is a provincial-level economic and technological development zone approved by the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee and the provincial government in 1992. It is located in the west of Anshun Old Town. The area covers an area of 171.68 square kilometers and has a total population of 140,000. The development zone has convenient transportation, complete infrastructure and supporting urban functions. At present, it has formed pillar industries such as military industry, pharmaceuticals, automobiles, machinery, chemicals, alcohol, food, and folk crafts, and has gradually become a model for Anshun's reform and opening up, a good field for attracting investment, and an active space and new force for symbiosis and prosperity of various economic components, it is a gathering area for development.





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