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Guizhou Chamber of Commerce of Hainan completed leadership transition

From:ZOSE Group Publish:2018-10-27


On the afternoon of October 26th, the third member meeting of the Guizhou Chamber of Commerce in Hainan Province was held in Haikou. The third elected council of the Guizhou Chamber of Commerce in Hainan Province was elected. The Standing Committee of the Provincial CPPCC, the Vice Chairman of the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, the Chairman of the ZOSE Group, Mr. Liu Wenjun was appointed to be the new chairman.

At the sodality of Guizhou Chamber of Commerce of Hainan, the Vice Chairman of the Guizhou Provincial Political Consultative Conference, the Chairman of the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, Mr. Li Hanyu, the Deputy Minister of the United Front Work Department of Hainan Provincial Party Committee and the Secretary of the Party Committee of the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, Mr. Guo Quanmao, delivered speeches respectively, affirming the contribution of Guizhou Chamber of Commerce of Hainan to Hainan’s economy. Hoping them make new contributions to the great practice of constructing a Hainan Free Trade Zone.

At the sodality, the new chairman, Mr. Liu Wenjun, delivered a speech entitled "I wish the ideal to be grateful." He summed up the "spirit of Guizhou Entrepreneurs": the entrepreneurial spirit of starting from scratch, dare to figh; the spirit of honesty and benefi; the spirit of eagerness and justice, mutual help. Liu Wenjun said: "The spirit of Guizhou Entrepreneurs” is a natural choice for entrepreneurs in Guizhou to start a business in Hainan, and it is also a realistic need for the development of the times. Inheriting this spirit, our business will stand proudly at the forefront of the times, and we will be able to achieve stability and distance, and it is expected to become the backbone of the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Zone.

The transition of the Guizhou Chamber of Commerce was completed at a crucial moment in our country’s fight against poverty and the decisive battle. At the sodality, entrepreneurs expressed their common wish to contribute to poverty alleviation. ZOSE Group took the first step and invested 2 million yuan to help 30 families of poor households in Zhonghe Town of Danzhou City to build a new home. It is praised by the guests and Guizhou Entrepreneurs.

Artists from both Guizhou and Hainan brought a variety of literary and artistic programs, the performance is simply marvelous.

It is known that there are more than 300,000 Guizhou people in Hainan, and the Guizhou Chamber of Commerce in Hainan Province was established in December 2009, and 102 member units were launched. Since its establishment, the Chamber of Commerce has adhered to the tenet of “unity, communication, cooperation and service”, giving full play to the role of bridges and ties, and uniting Guizhou’s business people in Hainan’s business community to communicate information, exchange experiences, share resources and coordinate development, and promote economic development and social progress between Hainan and Guizhou.











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