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Five suggestions for the establishment of the "Hainan Film Island" from CPPCC members

From:ZOSE Group Publish:2019-01-27

In December 2018, the first Hainan Island International Film Festival was held in Sanya, with the "four-all-mode" of "all-year round film panorama, all island-film screening, all people- seeing movie and all industrial chain", the mode provides a new opportunity for the development of Hainan's film industry. On January 26, Liu Wenjun, a member of the Hainan CPPCC National Committee, proposed five suggestions for the creation of the "Hainan Film Island" based on Hainan's own environment at the second meeting of the 7th CPPCC National Committee.

Liu Wenjun said that film is an important carrier of popular cultural communication and a cultural and entertainment way that the people like to participate. The film plays an irreplaceable role in rallying people, guiding people and motivating people. Put forward the concept of "Hainan Film Island", give priority to the development of film and television industry, expand film consumption, enhance film service, conform to the spirit of party's "Nineteenth National Congress", and strategically position the "three districts and one center" of Hainan Construction Free Trade Zone Consistently, it is compatible with Hainan's resource endowment and location characteristics, and can drive the development of surrounding industries such as tourism, exhibition, digital, entertainment and fashion, which is conducive to the improvement of service trade.

In order to create the "Hainan Film Island", Liu Wenjun proposed that we must face up to the "four major gaps": First, Hainan has superior natural conditions, but it does not form a "Depression effect". In contrast to the major film and television base in China, such as Hengdian Town in Zhejiang, Xiangshan in Zhejiang, Hangzhou in Zhejiang, Wuxi in Jiangsu, and foreign country, for example New Zealand, policy advantages are not reflected. Second, Hainan's film and television industry chain is not complete. It is reported from film and television shooting team that high cost is one reason that they don’t choose Hainan, such as the selection of scenery, setting the scene, clothing, make-up, props, equipment rental, figurants etc., post production power is seriously insufficient, playwriting, film investment, and publishing are even more incompleted. The third is the lack of local film talents in Hainan. The main creative personnel can be invited, but the basic and service talents should be solved locally, such as a large number of staff members and figurants. These talents are lacking in Hainan. Fourth, the Hainan cinema layout is uneven and inadequate. In the past five years, Hainan Cinema has experienced rapid growth in investment, but it is mainly concentrated in central cities such as Haikou, Sanya, Danzhou and Qionghai. Many cities and counties do not have modern digital cinemas or cinemas cannot meet the needs of local audiences.

In response to the above gap, Liu Wenjun made five suggestions:

First, the provincial government will introduce the film industry support policy that covers the whole province and is superior to other provinces and cities in China, and gives specific support from land, finance, taxation, commercial system, talent introduction and so on. Encourage the planning and construction of multi-level and multi-functional film and television industry bases throughout the province, attract domestic and foreign filmmakers and film investors to settle in Hainan.

Second, expand the right to import imported films (Hainan Island only), loosen censorship about avant-garde films and independent films, and let Hainan Island become a “film special area”, make more exploratory films, art films, foreign grading films meeting the Chinese audience in Hainan and reflect the open features of Hainan.

Third, we should train talent in the way of multi-channel, multi-level. Government support, market-led, Sino-foreign cooperation, the establishment of film colleges and film and television vocational and technical colleges, high-end film and television talent education and film and television technicians, systematically train all kinds of talents in film and television.

Fourth, study and formulate a special plan for the popularization of digital cinema, implement the "Country Film Project", and strive to use three to five years to achieve full coverage of digital cinemas in cities and counties, and focus on digital cinemas in towns and villages. Building an art theater in the central city to satisfied the needs of different audience, to establish a leading national film service system.

5. Utilizing the advantages of the Film Festival and the “Special Film Zone” to develop the convention and exhibition economy and film tourism, Hainan will become a major town for film and television copyright transactions and equipment and equipment transactions; combined with motor homes tours, self-driving tours, movie parks and location tours, etc. Cultivate a new format for film tourism consumption.

People. cn, Haikou, January 26 (Fan Huandi)

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