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ZOSE Group was selected as one of the top 100 private enterprises in Hainan in 2018

From:ZOSE Group Publish:2019-01-02


On December 28, 2018, Hainan Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce (General Chamber of Commerce) held the “2018 Hainan Private Enterprises Top 100” list in Haikou. ZOSE Group was ranked among the top 100 in Hainan and ranked 41st.

The conference released the list of the top 100 private enterprises in Hainan in 2018, issued certificates for the enterprises selected as the top 100 private enterprises in 2018 Hainan, and released the analysis report of the top 100 Hainan private enterprises.

It is reported that the selection of the top 100 private enterprises is the first time in Hainan. It is the selection method of the top 500 private enterprises in China by the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce. The company’s 2017 annual operating income is the evaluation index, and the principle of voluntary participation of private enterprises is widely adhered to. The private enterprises that have mobilized and organized the province's operating income of more than 100 million yuan will declare themselves. In 2018, the top 100 private enterprises in Hainan Province reached the threshold of 258 million yuan, and the total revenue of the top 100 enterprises reached 268.397 billion yuan.

The Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce has released the top 100 private enterprises in Hainan to the whole society, aiming to thoroughly implement the relevant spirit of the central and provincial party committees on promoting the development of the private economy, timely grasping the development status of the private economy in our province, and demonstrating the achievements of the private economy in our province. Contribute, establish a benchmark for private enterprises, enhance entrepreneurs' sense of acquisition and honor, guide enterprises to enhance development momentum, boost development confidence, promote the sustainable and healthy development of the private economy, and help Hainan Free Trade Zone (Hong Kong) construction.




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