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Chairman Liu Wenjun attended the Fourth Session of the Seventh Hainan CPPCC

From:ZOSE Group Publish:2021-01-27


From January 23 to 27, 2021, the fourth meeting of the Seventh Hainan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference was held in Haikou. Members of the Provincial CPPCC from all parties and organizations, all ethnic groups in Hainan gathered together to closely focus on major issues in Hainan’s economic and social development, actively advise the government and formulate good strategies, and contribute wisdom and strength to the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port. Liu Wenjun, chairman of ZOSE Group, participated in the meeting as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference and submitted two proposals: "Proposals on Guiding and Encouraging Chambers of Commerce to Organize and Participate in the Construction of Business Environment" and "Proposals on the Development and Utilization of Su Dongpo Culture to Promote the Integration of Culture and Tourism". And won the honorary title of "Excellent Standing Committee Member" in 2020.

Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Shen Xiaoming, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Acting Governor Feng Fei, and Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Li Jun attended the meeting to congratulate, Mao Wanchun, Chairman of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, and Vice-Chairmen Ma Yongxia, Li Guoliang, Shi Yiyun, Wu Yanjun, Chen Malin, Meng Xiaoling, Hou Maofeng took a seat in the front row.

During the meeting, member Liu Wenjun’s topics on optimizing the business environment and the development of cultural industries received attention from mainstream media in the province. In the group discussion, Liu Wenjun suggested that administrative intervention should be reduced in the process of building a business environment, and some administrative functions should be delegated to chambers of commerce, and the important role of chambers of commerce in maintaining market order, setting and implementing standards, and mediating industry disputes should be encouraged to encourage enterprises participate in business environment assessment. When talking about the cultural industry, Liu Wenjun said that the cultural industry should not be absent for the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port and the creation of an international tourism consumption center. It is recommended to formulate a cultural industry revitalization plan as soon as possible, clarify key cultural industry projects, and use projects to drive industrial development and help local cultural enterprises Bigger and stronger.

On the morning of the 27th, the Fourth Session of the Seventh Hainan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference successfully completed various agendas and concluded successfully. In the four and a half days, all the participating members with full political enthusiasm, focusing on the important issues of the reform and development of Hainan province, and the hot topics and difficulties of the masses’ concern, in-depth consultations and discussions, actively made suggestions and suggestions, and fully demonstrated that the majority of members are responsible for the people.







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