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Fighting the "COVID- 19 pandemic" together
ZOSE Group actively assists the frontline of the fight against the epidemic

From:ZOSE Group Publish:2022-08-23


Since August, the epidemic situation in Hainan has been spreading in many places, especially in Sanya, Danzhou and other places, which are menacing and touching. At the critical juncture in the fight against the epidemic, ZOSE Group took the initiative to implement the requirements of the provincial party committee and the provincial government on epidemic prevention and control with practical actions, and actively participated in supporting local epidemic prevention and control work, which fully reflected the responsibility of private enterprises.

On August 17, after participating in the video conference of the provincial federation of industry and commerce for epidemic prevention and control work and learning that Danzhou and other cities and counties urgently need to isolate housing, Liu Wenjun, chairman of the group, immediately requested the Danzhou real estate project to set up a special work team, counted the houses quickly, make preparations for deployment, and mobilize service teams such as property and cleaning to provide services.

After receiving the task, Liu Jun, general manager of ZOSE Real Estate, Zhou Lijuan, general manager of Danzhou Property, and other work team leaders have been fighting on the front line, coordinating and connecting with the Danzhou Municipal Government and the higher authorities all day night. After extensive mobilization and multi-party coordination, according to the requirements of the Danzhou Municipal Government's emergency disposal requisition notice, 103 sets of 169 houses were implemented as isolation houses, which were fully affirmed and praised by the Danzhou Municipal Government and the Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau.

Previously, Zhang Shan, general manager of ZOSE Cinemas, led Chen Song, Zhang Jie, Huang Xianmei and other party members and party activists to charge ahead. In the past ten days, they participated in the work of volunteers for epidemic prevention and control such as Fucheng Street, Qiongshan District, Jinyu Street, Longhua District, Lantian Street, Meilan District, Haikou City.

Next, ZOSE Group will continue to strictly implement the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, actively respond to the call of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, and contribute its due strength to the overall victory of epidemic prevention and control.




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