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Owner's Spring Festival Gala of ZOSE·Golden Bay 2024 Ends Perfect

From:ZOSE Group Publish:2024-02-01


On the evening of January 31, 2024, ZOSE Cultural Square, located in Baimajing, Danzhou, was lightly breezed and brightly lit. ZOSE·Golden Bay 2024 owners 'Spring Festival Gala kicked off. Relevant personnel of Danzhou Baimajing Town Government, Xinma Community and local police stations, representatives of Hainan Province Migratory Bird Culture Research Association, property representatives of surrounding communities, ZOSE Golden Bay management and sales team, property staff and community owners gathered together, with more than 1000 people who Song and danced, to welcome the new year together.

The opening dance "Loving Family" set the tone for the whole party.Next, the dance team, chorus team, yoga team, model team, Tai Chi team, strong dance group, orchestra, etc. spontaneously formed by the owners of ZOSE·Golden Bay took turns. The program not only expresses love for the Party and the motherland, but also expresses comfort and pride as the owner of Golden Bay and the new resident of Free Trade Port.The first-class actress Gao Liping presented the classic Ping Opera "Bao Huaming," while the young men and women of Golden Bay took the lead in singing the unique local characteristics of "Danzhou Tune,". During the party, there was also a lottery link, a prize surprise and warm delivery, live cheers, laughter this rise and fall.Finally, the community sitcom “Happy Home” brings the evening to a close.

It is an old tradition of ZOSE·Golden Bay to hold the owner's Spring Festival Gala. This Spring Festival Gala is the first time after the end of the epidemic, and it is also the one with the largest number of participants, the highest program quality and the largest audience on the spot over the years.All participants and directors come from community owners and property company employees. The oldest is nearly eighty years old and the youngest is only five years old.In order to present a high-quality performance, the project management team and property company of ZOSE·Golden Bay cooperated with the community owners to carefully prepare two months in advance, repeatedly polish, select the best 20 programs from more than 30 candidate programs to perform on stage, ensuring the quality of the performance.

The whole performance was highly praised by owners, and mainstream media such as Danzhou Broadcasting TV and Yangpu Broadcasting TV took photos and reported on the spot.
















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