
Stock Code:430508 
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The first NEEQ collective listing ceremony is held at Beijing National Convention Center

From:ZOSE Group Publish:2014-01-24


The first NEEQ collective listing ceremony is held at Beijing National Convention Center on Jan. 24th, 2014. Hainan ZOSE (stock abbreviation: Hainan ZOSE Cultural Communication, stock code: 430508) is the first NEEQ listing corporation in Hainan.

NEEQ is approved by the State Council, and it is the 3rd national stock exchange besides the Shanghai stock exchange and Shenzhen stock exchange, NEEQ is an investment platform of middle and small sized corporation, also known as China NASDAQ.

Hainan ZOSE is deeply rooted in Hainan by increasing developing owned media, expanding performance and theater management, pushing into movie market in 10 years, and built the first brand of Hainan cultural industry as a private cultural enterprise.

At the ceremony, Mr. Liu Wenjun, the Chairman of Hainan ZOSE Cultural Communication Co., LTD. said that ZOSE has greater responsibility after listing, we are responsible for ourselves, but also responsible for staff and shareholders, we should return more to the society. In the coming 3 to 5 years, ZOSE will invest two main fields: first, accelerating multiplex investment and management, being the most influential movie line in southern China. Second, integrating media industry in Hainan, being the biggest on-stop media supplier.




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